Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Park doodle

This weekend was the first warm and sunny day in months...so we were actually able to go outside and roam free. We had a whiffle ball hitting contest...which only resulted in two of the three kids crying..one for the catcher getting a touch of bat to the face...one when the other took a babe ruth swing and the whiffle ball took a chunk of finger (I told her she must not have been swinging her hardest or it would have taken her finger off and she needed to do better next time.) Then we played freeze tag...after about 45 minutes in I started getting the gimp leg for some reason...probably old age...and those tricky kids kept managing to tag me right next to a bench...at which point I would sit down and doodle for 5 minutes here and there. And of course having raptors on the brain I did this...


Unknown said...

those are some mighty large talons! almost as scary as losing a finger or getting hit in the face playing wiffle ball :P

Josh (musarter) said...

I'm liking your recent posts. All the dinosaurs are awesome and the card designs are great.

Do I still have time on the prologue?