I've missed the cut for band twice now...Granny always said this was musical fruit so I'm hoping it will give me that little something I seem to be lacking...
To see a cleaner less wordy version but with less work go to: WWW.BARRATUNA.BLOGSPOT.COM Please do not use any work without permission.
hahaha! Nice work!
You always manage to come up with something that makes me think , yes... and... Oh, I get it!!!! I love your work Brian!
Guess I'm a bit slow!!
This is from that great children's classic: Beans, Beans the musical fruit...the more you eat the more you toot...The more you toot the better you feel...Beans, Beans for EVERY meal...
And if you can't look at the wisdom in that and smile you might not be human...There is also a version similar that uses the word fart but some starched collar types might object to seeing the word fart used so many times...
Gives new meaning to the wind section. Mr Heinz would be impressed.
Ouch. Very nice interpretation.
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