Sunday, November 22, 2009

New Styraco Pose

New pose with frill adjusted...Still some minor adjusting that needs done...and will be adding back in the birds from the first 22 minutes I will put down the first pointillism dot as I can go ahead and work on the head region...then it'll be like jumping off a very high bridge towards a concrete base...all downhill and scary...

IF:Music...Sweet Sweet Music...

I've missed the cut for band twice now...Granny always said this was musical fruit so I'm hoping it will give me that little something I seem to be lacking...

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Skull Study

Another skull study from my roost as students were working...this ballpoint pen is a bit 'stiffer' and requires a bit more pressure to get it to 'flow'...the good news is I found my super sketching 'Navy' pen distributed by our local visiting recruiters. I thought I had lost it and even sunk so low as to go to my supervisor's secretary...I mean administrative assistant...and swipe...I mean borrow...hers...she forgot to inform me that hers had run out of juice so it turned out to be a long trip for nothing...

Styracosaurus Pointillism

My graphite styraco was unacceptable for a variety of reasons...I redid the pose and while waiting to start afresh I did a quick pointillism head of the difficulties I have when doing something really large in graphite is the need to keep going back and adjust the values...and I'll often erase a few times trying to get a texture to look right...trying to strike the balance of too much detail vs. some point it becomes overwhelming and I take 20 years longer than I want to. So the debate has been if I should do the large new styraco in pencil, which I think would look sharp but drive me insane at some point, or to do it in least with pointillism when you make a dot it is going back...and adjustments can still be made but for some reason it seems to take less work...and is almost like therapy in a weird Chinese water torture sort of way...and it does tend to lend itself to dinos without worrying so much about the 'texturing' troubles pencil drives me to at certain points...If I had space I would just take up oil painting again and solve all the world's problems.

Friday, November 13, 2009

IF: Unbalanced

The other clowns wondered if Ted was really cut out for the job...sure it was tough to lose your first balloon dog...but nobody else had ever went through the trouble of a burial...

Monday, November 09, 2009

Sometimes you just have to call a terd a terd part II

The more I worked on this the less happy I was rather draining because things weren't turning out regardless of what I was trying. The head frill area wasn't 'turning' properly and seemed to be running too flat...the pose seemed too stiff...I noticed when I first laid it out that I had forced him onto the format...a bit too use had some planning issues that I found out after the fact...

Of course there are some things I like...the idea...the area from behind the eye all the way to the beak...really like the eyeball and beak...a couple of the birds...while there might be some potential I just realize I'm never going to be happy with I bit the bullet...I started over again so that I can take what I learned and really make this work...I might cut this up and save the good parts...but I know attempt two is going to be much better...and it'll get finished much quicker...which is a good thing since I already have the next idea sketched out...

Friday, November 06, 2009

IF: Blur

Pencil J. Pencil...further proof the life is but a blur. You lived well these past 3 were kind, humble, always did what was asked of you...but now...your time is done.

I drew a face on my eraser...he too is a friend. And every time I go to erase something I stop and see the look of horror on his face. Do I REALLY need to erase that line? What could I do better next time so I can keep him around longer? I find that people often abuse eraser privileges...especially at the start of an artistic career. I mean we could draw general to specific and really keep that nice sketchy feel...but too often we are overwhelmed by a need for perfection in the beginning and start hammering out details too early...and find ourselves making mistake after mistake and in the quest for perfection end up with something dull and lifeless...misproportioned...awkward...items not placed well in the composition...value sets clashing...and we drag our poor eraser friends out...sure there are times to isn't a capital offense...but if we spend more time drawing and less time erasing wouldn't the world be a better place...and our eraser friends would perhaps be around a little longer...and they would thank us...