"Egad!!! I threw my back out again at the all night midget toss and brussel sprout buffet...It'll take me hours to drag myself to the computer to send out the topic..."
Yeah, we've got people watching you Penelope...
To see a cleaner less wordy version but with less work go to: WWW.BARRATUNA.BLOGSPOT.COM Please do not use any work without permission.
Brilliant! This is a regular occurence in my house - except I have two cats, so they work as a team; one sitting on you, the other staring at you and meowing!
Super illo!
haha, love this comic! It amazes me how many people wait with baited breath for the topic to appear. kinda sad?
Fantastic!. Love it.
Great characterization!
hahahaha! I even called home this morning to ask my husband to check the site to see if the word had come in yet.
I need a life!
Great cartoon Bri!
The cat is hilariously depicted. I'm intrigued what the 1st place trophy was awarded for.
this is wonderful!
Ha, ha. Don't forget the cold, wet nose to the eyeball trick.
Great illo.
wait...wait. what does steve mean? this is our JOB, right? getting these out for friday? we can get fired if we miss it. ")))
bwahahahahaha!!!! baited breath. try WHERE IS THE FRAKKING FRIDAY TOPIC EMAIL?????
this is too too funny, bb! great characters! cats. they know way too much. and ICKKK! brussel sprouts. X-P
We're like pavlov's dog...
As far as the 1st place trophy...I'm going to guess either she threw the small guy the farthest or ate the most brussel sprouts...either of which can throw your back out...but it is Penelope's trophy so she could probably tell you more accurately...
Thanks all, you've been lovely guests as always...
Thanks for the visit and taking the time to comment on some of my latest endeavors. I blushed at every word :)
"Sugary" is one of my favorites too. Funny how it worked out because I hated the word!
Have a super week.
hahaha! Excellent, Brian!
hihi... I know that look! (on both the cat and the gal)
heheheh... too funny. I kept watching my email friday morning going where IS THAT TOPIC!
Hey... midgets and brussel sprouts? Are you sure you weren't following me?
Great one, Brian. Hilarious as always.
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