Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Wolf In Sheep's Clothing

Church doodle...

You might say that isn't a very good attempt at a sheep disguise...I'm afraid it doesn't take much anymore...I could give you some crazy statistics and evidence but I'll just leave it at this...
"My people perish from a lack of knowledge." Hosea 4:6


Eric Scales said...

This is awesome Brian. That poor sheep looks so pathetic. It's like a guy with a bad toupee and he has no idea people can tell it's a rug. Great job!

steve said...

Love the line work Brian, and a fantastic quote!

Gavin Goo said...

Beautiful drawing! A funtake on "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing" too! :)

Juan said...


studio lolo said...

Excellent drawing! Nice toupee. Are those sheep skulls???
In church???


Anonymous said...

There are plenty of wolves in churches- some in disguise and some not smart enough to even try to cover their true selves up - great drawing... guess you weren't paying much attention to what was going on in the service... ;-)