In another Women Are From Venus Men Are From Mars moment...you ever notice that when it is 72 outside with a slight breeze women will wrap up their infants like they are taking a trip to the north pole...men on the other hand will take their babies outside during a blizzard in a diaper and long sleeve shirt while the wife shoots that "What the @$%! are you thinking" glare...of course we know we have the car already warmed up...and the diaper is extra padded...if your bum is warm what else do you need to worry about...
hah! Good one! And I agree :P
Awesome composition~I love that some is left black and white.
I hope I get to work on something for this by Monday. Thanks for your recent visits!
In Iraq the ladies bundle up the little babies no matter what the temperature is.. even 115 F out!
So is this why there's a new generation of young people out there who seem to wear no clothes whatsoever even in deepest winter? Or is this a Europe thing?
Great one Brian! Love those eyes! Nice take on the theme and great artwork. Your Venus and Mrs thing is right on. My kids all survived.... :o)
hehehe so funny! I love it.
Hahaha so funny, wonderful observation of human nature. I´m still laughing looking at the baby.
Very nice Brian. I love the expression.
Hi Brian, I just saw that you had visited my book blog last month! I don't check it often I thought no one had even looked at it. Thanks for the kind comments. I really appreciate it. Love your take on cocoon, so true too, my mother in law used to try to wrap my kids up in multiple layers no matter what the temperature.
Haha, yeah, seriously! Great work Brian!
Hee hee, funny observation, Brian! Love the over-swaddled baby too... great stuff!
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