i must not be very worldly because I had to look this up... I didn't know that snow was referred to as white death? I'm from cali... Sounds like you are in it! Hope it isn't to bad though!
Luckily I am from WV and know how to drive in the stuff...too bad for the natives...my four hour drive turned into 7...
about the mess of a comic...it was a poke at those I know that are tomato growers...it is funny that the slowest nonclimbingest animal on the planet somehow manages to outwit them and eat their tomatoes...put a couple of bricks around the things people...come on!!!
Ha ha, good stuff Brian. Believe it or not though, turtles can be surprisingly fast and can climb! the other day, while cleaning out my tutrtle's tank, he managed to stretch his limbs far enough to reach his claws to the tope of a shoebox, pull himself up and over and make it to the other side of the room, where he got frigthened and pooped. Poor sly fella. This was all in the matter of a minute, behind my back, the lil' sneak!
When will winter end?????
Is that going to be a buffet for bunnies and turtles and gophers?
i must not be very worldly because I had to look this up... I didn't know that snow was referred to as white death? I'm from cali... Sounds like you are in it! Hope it isn't to bad though!
We even got some here in TX! :-)
Luckily I am from WV and know how to drive in the stuff...too bad for the natives...my four hour drive turned into 7...
about the mess of a comic...it was a poke at those I know that are tomato growers...it is funny that the slowest nonclimbingest animal on the planet somehow manages to outwit them and eat their tomatoes...put a couple of bricks around the things people...come on!!!
Ha ha, good stuff Brian. Believe it or not though, turtles can be surprisingly fast and can climb! the other day, while cleaning out my tutrtle's tank, he managed to stretch his limbs far enough to reach his claws to the tope of a shoebox, pull himself up and over and make it to the other side of the room, where he got frigthened and pooped. Poor sly fella. This was all in the matter of a minute, behind my back, the lil' sneak!
White death? Snow is spectacularly beautiful!!!
Cool illustration.
The attitude and drawing of the turtle cracks me up. Like a tired railroad worker or something. Cute illustration.
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