Arthur thought the buzz at his chest was his pacemaker malfunctioning, resulting in a call to glory...in reality it was the buzz from a pager he had forgotten in his shirt pocket, heralding a call from his wife to pick up a jar of fiber pills on his way home...
Very good portrait.Intersting colors!
You have asked to me some questions about my collages. 1.I don't make the paper my self.2...it's my secret...
nice work - is that all colored pencil?
I must admit I have been startled out of my seat a few times by a vibrating pager - the first time it happened I was in a meeting and thought it was a rat crawling up my pants!
At least I got your brain buzzing
Such a funny illo & a nice take on the theme. BTW, very nice blog. I've learned a lot just reading through it.
Thanks all...
bill it is all colored pencil except the blue splash of background color...I usually add background with watercolor when I use colored pencil just to help the foreground figure pop a bit more...by the time I do all the 'layered coloring' (about to me explained in another post on my blog) my hand is about to fall off...
Dizzy I appreciate that as well and that makes me glad I do it...I really love to see how others do their stuff and as a teacher I enjoy the educational aspect...
Excellent work! I like his oh crap expression. Great take on the topic. Nice linework. I haven't used traditional media in a long time. I will have to break out the prisma colors if I can find them. All I remember about them is that they are way slow to render with. :)
Mac McRae
great expression!!
Strong, in your face energy, great sketching and color, wow, and funny to. Love it!
Hahahaha... poor guy, some situation! I love ur way of taking the topic, Brine.
Thanks for stopping by ;)
awesome work brian! great job!
Ha! Ha! How true and yes another buzz, the PAGER-BUZZ
[you illustrated that feeling so well!!]
Wonderful illustration - I like the story that goes along with it. I've never been startled by a pager, but my cell phone has scared the bejeeses out of me many times.
LOL! Fantastic illo - Very original!
Wonderful work on all your blogs, thanks for the comments on mine.
Oh these modern times. You never know what buzz your brain needs to answer to...
Fantastic face!
Wonderful expression, and funny story to go with it.
This is great, I love the face and his long tooth.
first of all, wow that is a great great illustration. very good use of coloured pencils.
Second of all, that is HILLARIOUS!!!
I love this drawing. Nice expression, says a lot.
Nice-looking piece, Mr. Bankenstine. I don't know if it quite says "buzz" ... oh wait! There are words right next to the drawing ... yup, "buzz" is right there. My mistake.
(ha ha)
My Eye Friday
LOL the fear alone is giving the poor bugger a heart attack! You do great shading, btw!
I like this piece a lot. great color and expression on the poor old man!
great illo!
i love the magnificent colors and shading. the charactors a blast and the concept is great!
Thanks for the comment!
Ha! Very creative - I adore his expression. He actually looks a bit like my grandpa. :)
Jillian S
is that you at age 89? very handsome. some art colleagues and i used to draw each other as toothless seniors, just for fun.
I was sent over here by Studio Lolo who is so impressed with your work. Well, I am a convert.
Excellent work and I like the comedic relief.
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